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Ferrari 488 GTB

With a peak output of 772 hp, a peak torque of 892 Nm, zero to 100 km/h in just 2.8 seconds and a top speed of 342 km/h, NOVITEC ROSSO, the world-leading refinement specialist for the sports cars from Maranello, now also offers a sophisticated refinement program for the Ferrari 488 GTB. This includes not only powerful engine tuning activated at the touch of a button on the steering wheel, but also strikingly styled and aerodynamically efficient bodywork components made from naked carbon. The product lineup furthermore includes tailor-made hi-tech wheels with diameters of up to 22 inches, sophisticated suspension modifications and exclusive customization of the cockpit.

Even a top-notch sports car can never have enough power. That is why the NOVITEC ROSSO engine technicians developed various performance kits for the 3.9-liter twin-turbo V-8 engine of the 488 series. As a special feature, the engine tuning can be activated and deactivated in a flash with the Manettino dial on the steering wheel.

To this end, the technicians adapt two NOVITEC ROSSO N-TRONIC control modules to the engine electronics of the two-seat car. The modules control the eight-cylinder with newly programmed mapping for injection and ignition and modify the electronic boost pressure control.

To further optimize the power output and make the engine sound even more exciting at the same time, the installation of a NOVITEC ROSSO high-performance exhaust system is advisable. The exhaust comes in various versions including one made from especially lightweight INCONEL, and with optional electronic sound management. Also available are 100-cell high-flow sports catalysts.

In its most extreme evolutionary stage, the turbocharged eight-cylinder with NOVITEC ROSSO engine tuning puts out 102 hp more than the production engine and also adds 132 Nm of torque for a new peak torque of 892 Nm at a low 3,250 rpm. This increase in output to 772 hp at 7,950 rpm naturally also benefits the car’s performance. From rest, the two-seat sports car accelerates to 100 km/h in just 2.8 seconds and top speed increases to 342 km/h.

The NOVITEC ROSSO performance upgrade not only results in better numbers on paper. Equally fascinating is the even more instantaneous throttle response and the even more powerful in-gear acceleration on the road.

Carbon is the first choice not only in Formula 1 racing, but also as the material for the NOVITEC ROSSO aerodynamic-enhancement components for the Ferrari 488 GTB. For this reason, all components come optionally in a variant made from naked carbon.

The designers not only emphasized thrilling looks, but also and above all aerodynamic efficiency. The front of the 488 receives some added profile with an extensive NOVITEC ROSSO upgrade. To this end, a front spoiler lip and side flaps are mounted to the bumper for a further reduction in lift at high speeds. An additional surround for the central air intake rounds out the extremely sporty looks.

To give the two-door car an even sportier appearance from the sides and to deflect the airflow along the sides with even more precision, the refinement specialist offers the new NOVITEC ROSSO rocker panels. Subtle carbon surrounds for the door mirrors in concert with the NOVITEC ROSSO air deflection components in the side air intakes add further sporty highlights.

A large rear airfoil, also optionally available with a naked carbon finish, dominates the rear end visually. The new diffuser attachment for the rear bumper adds further aerodynamic finishing touches. Carbon surrounds for the two tail lamps and the air outlets at the rear round out the NOVITEC ROSSO design package.

Other utterly sophisticated hallmark NOVITEC ROSSO features are the new lighting elements such as the black turn signals and reflectors as well the likewise black-tinted third brake light featuring LED technology.

Of course, the wheels have a decisive influence on the looks of the vehicle. NOVITEC ROSSO styled various tire/wheel combinations with one-piece and three-piece design specifically for the Ferrari 488.

As an especially lightweight variant, NOVITEC ROSSO offers NF4 21-inch forged wheels with a width of nine and twelve inches. They are mounted with Pirelli P Zero high-performance tires of sizes 255/30 ZR 21 at the front and 325/25 ZR 21 on the rear axle.

To add further emphasis to the wedge shape of the Ferrari, the refinement specialist offers the alternative of new three-piece NOVITEC ROSSO NF7 alloys. This design features ten delicate spokes and combines 21-inch front wheels with 22-inch wheels at the rear. The size 9Jx21 wheels at the front are mounted with 255/30 ZR 21 Pirelli P Zero tires. Size 12Jx22 rims with 335/25 ZR 22 tires on the rear axle provide maximum grip.

Another NOVITEC ROSSO hi-tech development is the hydraulic suspension system for all Ferrari 488 models. It lowers the ride height of the sports car by about 35 mm. What is more: The hydraulic front lift system can also raise the sports car by 40 mm at the touch of a button in the cockpit. This makes it easier to navigate a parking garage ramp or over a speed hump in city traffic. The front end reverts to its original position at a second touch of the button or automatically upon reaching a speed of 80 km/h. The standard active damper control of the Italian vehicle is of course fully retained.

NOVITEC ROSSO also offers individuality in its purest form for the interior. The product line-up includes innumerable options from longer carbon paddle shifters to an exclusive leather and Alcantara interior finished with exquisite workmanship in every detail. NOVITEC ROSSO can fulfill any customer request with regard to color and upholstery design.

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Mauris cursus ligula nibh, et eleifend elit interdum ac. Maecenas eget justo eget neque placerat accumsan at vitae odio. Etiam imperdiet sapien sem, nec laoreet nibh lacinia sed. Nullam pulvinar enim aliquam lacus ullamcorper, sed blandit magna gravida. Mauris sapien massa, efficitur ut risus nec, interdum auctor neque. Nulla nec sem at tortor auctor ullamcorper at id odio. Duis ut nisl vitae elit convallis feugiat. Pellentesque sagittis, urna et cursus iaculis, augue metus commodo orci, ut lacinia sem arcu at ante. Sed convallis tempor mauris et commodo. Nulla facilisi. Cras et nulla placerat, laoreet nisl in, blandit velit. Quisque nisi arcu, vehicula quis libero non, dapibus feugiat odio. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean in condimentum quam. Proin vel ante placerat libero dignissim rhoncus ac ac nulla. Integer porttitor lectus vel ante elementum, vel tincidunt mauris facilisis.

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